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Career Options after BCA There are several doors opened, once you are done with your bachelor's in computer application(BCA).Apart from MCA or MBA in IT , one can also go for :  Masters in Computer Management  Masters Degree in Information Management (MIM)  Master of Science in Information Technology (M.Sc IT)  G-CAT Master  Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Applications  Post Graduate Program in Corporate Studies (PGPCS)  Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)  Program in Information Security Management  If one wants to get recruited and desires to be the part of corporate sector....there are numerous options for that too. One can work as a software developer, web developer, graphic Designer, App Developer for
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How to Fill a Re-evaluation Form   Now no need to rush to the cyber cafe for getting your re-evaluation done...BCAHUB brings you an easy way to fill the re-evaluation form for the 2nd, 4th, and 6th Semester (May 2018) Exam.You can fill the form without going to Punjab University at your convenience.....Go Ahead.. Last date is 20  July 2018. **Read the steps before opening the website. Step 1 :  Go to This is a website to fill the re-evaluation form for (2-4-6) Semester. Open it and do the following steps.  Step 2 : On the centre of the web page. Fill the categories such as


6TH SEMESTER - SECTION-A   1. Introduction to Data Communication: Data Communication fundamentals, Simplex, Half-Duplex, Full-Duplex Network definition, Network Hardware and Software, Network Topologies, Uses of Computer Networks, OSI reference model, TCP/IP Reference Model. Comparison of OSI & TCP/IP reference model. 2. Physical Layer: Transmission Media, Switching, ISDN & its services, Multiplexing, Modems. SECTION-B   3. Data Link Layer: Design Issue, Error Detection & Correction Codes, Elementary Data Link Protocols, Static & Dynamic Channel Allocation, Introduction to IEEE standards, Sliding Window Protocols: One-bit Sliding Window Protocol, Go Back n, Selective Repeat.


6TH SEMESTER- SECTION-A   1. Review of forms in HTML, Introduction to cascading style sheets (CSS), defining and applying CSS. Java Script: Features, tokens, data types, variables, operations, control structs, likes, strings arrays, functions, core language, objects, client side objects, event handling. Applications related to client side form validation.  SECTION-B   2. Fundamentals of Java: Java Vs. C++, Byte Code, Java virtual machine, constants, variables, data types, operators, expressions, control structures, defining class, creating objects, accessing class members, constructions, method overloading. String handling. Inheritance : Basics, member access, using super to call super class constructors, creating a multi level hierarchy, method overriding, dynamic method dispatch, using abstract classes, using Final.


6TH SEMESTER: SECTION-A  1. Computer Organisation : Evolution of Computers, Stored program concept and Von Neumann Architecture, Information representation and codes, Combinatorial Blocks : Gates, Multiplexers, Decoders, Encoders, Sequential Building blocks : Flip-Flops, Registers, Counters, Arithmetic algorithms : Addition and subtraction for signed magnitude and 2's complement numbers, integer multiplication using shift and add, Booth's algorithms, Integer and floating point representation. SECTION-B    2. Architecture of a Simple Processor : An instruction set, Addressing Modes, Instruction formats, Instruction execution in terms of Microinstructions, Concept of interrupt and simple I/O organisation, I/O organization : Strobe-based and Handshake based communication, Vector and priority interrupts, DMA-based data transfer; CPU organisation with large registers, Stacks and handling of interrupts and subroutines. Concept of Bus, data movement among registers...


5th-Semester DateSheet(3rd Year) Theory Examination : Timing:  01:30 P.M. TO 04:30 P.M. Subject Date Day Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) 08-12-17 Friday Principal of Computer Graphics & Multimedia Technology 12-12-17 Tuesday Discrete Mathematics 15-12-17 Friday NOTE: The candidates must be in their seats at 1:15 P.M sharp as per date sheet above.The question paper will be distributed at 01:30 P.M sharp and the examination will continue till 04:30 P.M. Check out 5th Semester-Syllabus: EDP Discrete Mathematics Graphics


DISCRETE MATHEMATICS SECTION-A  1. Set Theory: Relations and Functions: Set Notation and Description, subset, basic set operations, Venn Diagrams, laws of set theory, partitions of sets, min sets, duality principle, basic definitions of relations and functions, graphics of relations, properties of relations: injective, surjective and bijective functions, compositions. 2. Recurrence : Recurrence Relations and Recursive Algorithms – Linear-Recurrence Relations with Constant Coefficients; Homogeneous Solutions: Particular Solution, Total Solution, Solution by the Method of Generating functions. SECTION-B  3. Graph Theory: Graph and planar graphs – Basic Terminology, Multi-graphs, Weighted Graphs, Paths and Circuits, Shortest Paths, Eulerian Paths and Circuits. Travelling Salesman Problem, Planar Graphs.


Computer Graphics SECTION-A  1. A Survey of Computer Graphics : Computer Aided Design, Presentation Graphics, Computer art, Entertainment, Education and Training, Visualization, Image Pressing, Graphical User Interfaces. 2. Overview of Graphics Systems : Video Display Devices, Raster Scan Systems, Random Scan Systems. Coloring technique : Beam Penetration, Shadow Mask. Graphics Monitors:Plasma Panel, LED,LCD. Properties of Display Devices : Persistence , Resolution, Aspect Ratio. and Workstations, Input Devices, Hard-copy devices, Graphics Software. Interactive Graphics, Passive Graphics. SECTION-B  3. Studying the Features and Developing Computer Graphics Using Standard Graphics packages like Auto CAD and Photoscape. AutoCAD: Features, Workspace, Commands to draw line, Polyline, rectangle, polygon, circle, spline, hatch; Modification Commands: Erase, copy, move, mirror, scale, Pan, Zoom, ESC, cl, trim; Layer, Dimension, image rotation, area calculati...


ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME SECTION-A  1.Project Formulation : Need, Scope and approaches for project formulation; the structure of project report; study and analysis of sample project report; preparation of a project report; Techno- economic feasibility of the project. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-B   2. Finance & Accounting : Working capital assessment, its management & exercise thereon; Assessment of fixed capital and exercise thereon; Capital budgeting; Product costing and cost consciousness. Financial ratios and their significance; Break-even analysis; Credit institutions and financing procedures; Books of accounts, financial statements & fund flow analysis.   SECTION-C   3. Managing the Enterprise: Resource management – men, material, money, and machines; Personnel management, Office management. E-Commerce: Introduction to E-Commerce, Benefits, Impact of E-Commerce, Classification of E-Commerce, Application of...


B. STANDARD AND SYLLABUS OF THE EXAMINATION  The standard of the papers in Elementary Mathematics will be of Matriculation level. The standard of papers in other subjects will approximately be such as may be expected of a graduate of an Indian University. SYLLABUS: ENGLISH (Code No. 01)  The question paper will be designed to test the candidates’ understanding of English and workmanlike use of words. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (Code No. 02)  General Knowledge including knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific subject. The paper will also include questions on History of India and Geography of a nature which candidate should be able to answer without special study. ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS (Code No. 03)  ARITHMETIC  Number System—Natural numbers, Integers, Rational and Real numb...