2. Fundamentals of Java: Java Vs. C++, Byte Code, Java virtual machine, constants, variables, data types, operators, expressions, control structures, defining class, creating objects, accessing class members, constructions, method overloading. String handling. Inheritance : Basics, member access, using super to call super class constructors, creating a multi level hierarchy, method overriding, dynamic method dispatch, using abstract classes, using Final.
3. Packages and Interfaces: Defining a package, understanding CLASSPATH, Access protection: Importing packages, Interfaces, Defining an Interface, Implementing Interfaces, Applying Interfaces, Variables in Interfaces. Exception Handling: Fundamentals, Exception types, Using Try and Catch, Multiple Try and Catch clauses, Nested Try statements, Built–in exceptions.
4. Multi-threaded Programming: The Java Thread model, Thread priorities, Synchronizations, Messaging. The thread class and runnable interface, The Main Thread : Creating a Thread, Implementing Runnable, Extending Thread, Creating Multiple Threads, Thread Priorities; Synchronizations : Methods, Statements, Inter Thread Communication, Deadlock, Suspending, Resuming and Stopping Threads. I/O Applets : I/O Basics : Streams, The predefined streams; Reading console I/P, Writing console O/P. The print writer class; Reading and Writing files. Applet fundamentals, Using AWT controls: AWT Classes, Adding and Removing Controls, Responding to Controls, Controls and their classes, Graphics and Text , Layout Managers: Understanding Layout Manager, FlowLayout, BorderLayout, GridLayout, CardLayout. Menus, Event handling: Two Event Handling Mechanisms, Delegation Event Model (Events, Event Sources, Event Classes, Event Listeners, Sorces of Events, Event Listener Interfaces, Handling Mouse and Keyboard Events.
1. Review of forms in HTML, Introduction to cascading style sheets (CSS), defining and applying CSS. Java Script: Features, tokens, data types, variables, operations, control structs, likes, strings arrays, functions, core language, objects, client side objects, event handling. Applications related to client side form validation.
2. Fundamentals of Java: Java Vs. C++, Byte Code, Java virtual machine, constants, variables, data types, operators, expressions, control structures, defining class, creating objects, accessing class members, constructions, method overloading. String handling. Inheritance : Basics, member access, using super to call super class constructors, creating a multi level hierarchy, method overriding, dynamic method dispatch, using abstract classes, using Final.
3. Packages and Interfaces: Defining a package, understanding CLASSPATH, Access protection: Importing packages, Interfaces, Defining an Interface, Implementing Interfaces, Applying Interfaces, Variables in Interfaces. Exception Handling: Fundamentals, Exception types, Using Try and Catch, Multiple Try and Catch clauses, Nested Try statements, Built–in exceptions.
4. Multi-threaded Programming: The Java Thread model, Thread priorities, Synchronizations, Messaging. The thread class and runnable interface, The Main Thread : Creating a Thread, Implementing Runnable, Extending Thread, Creating Multiple Threads, Thread Priorities; Synchronizations : Methods, Statements, Inter Thread Communication, Deadlock, Suspending, Resuming and Stopping Threads. I/O Applets : I/O Basics : Streams, The predefined streams; Reading console I/P, Writing console O/P. The print writer class; Reading and Writing files. Applet fundamentals, Using AWT controls: AWT Classes, Adding and Removing Controls, Responding to Controls, Controls and their classes, Graphics and Text , Layout Managers: Understanding Layout Manager, FlowLayout, BorderLayout, GridLayout, CardLayout. Menus, Event handling: Two Event Handling Mechanisms, Delegation Event Model (Events, Event Sources, Event Classes, Event Listeners, Sorces of Events, Event Listener Interfaces, Handling Mouse and Keyboard Events.
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