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Career Options after BCA

There are several doors opened, once you are done with your bachelor's in computer application(BCA).Apart from MCA or MBA in IT , one can also go for : 

  • Masters in Computer Management 
  • Masters Degree in Information Management (MIM) 
  • Master of Science in Information Technology (M.Sc IT) 
  • G-CAT Master 
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Applications 
  • Post Graduate Program in Corporate Studies (PGPCS) 
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) 
  • Program in Information Security Management 
If one wants to get recruited and desires to be the part of corporate sector....there are numerous options for that too. One can work as a software developer, web developer, graphic Designer, App Developer for
different platforms, system management, DBMS, Networking. 

Various MNC's known for their goodwill and effective working like Wipro, Accenture, IBM, TCS, Infosys etc. recruits the BCA graduates who continue their higher studies in the field of Computer and software field.

One may also start his/her career as a junior programmer in various IT firms.

Government jobs:

There are various job opportunities available for a BCA professional but they can only be earned by hard work. So, a BCA professional can also venture into government sector. one can be placed as a Bank Clerk, Probationary officer, Short service commission for Army and Navy, IAS, IPS, CBI, Groups examinations, SSC, RRB and UPSC. After getting through the exam there's an interview conducted by the respected sectors. Once he /she has cleared the whole process one may continue with his/her job.


  1. Thanx for the useful jnformation

  2. An awesome job indeed. I am sure this blog is going to help out many students who are unable to attend classes. A great effort indeed. Raja Vikrant Sharma, I must say that few people today think of what others need and how to help while coming up with their own blog. This sure sets an example.


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