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Computer Graphics


1. A Survey of Computer Graphics :

Computer Aided Design, Presentation Graphics, Computer art, Entertainment, Education and Training, Visualization, Image Pressing, Graphical User Interfaces.

2. Overview of Graphics Systems :

Video Display Devices, Raster Scan Systems, Random Scan Systems. Coloring technique : Beam Penetration, Shadow Mask. Graphics Monitors:Plasma Panel, LED,LCD. Properties of Display Devices : Persistence , Resolution, Aspect Ratio. and Workstations, Input Devices, Hard-copy devices, Graphics Software. Interactive Graphics, Passive Graphics.


 3. Studying the Features and Developing Computer Graphics Using Standard Graphics packages like Auto CAD and Photoscape.


Features, Workspace, Commands to draw line, Polyline, rectangle, polygon, circle, spline, hatch; Modification Commands: Erase, copy, move, mirror, scale, Pan, Zoom, ESC, cl, trim; Layer, Dimension, image rotation, area calculation.

4. Developing Computer Graphics Using 'C' :

Input-output primitives, Setting character and text attributes, Changing line styles, Using fill styles to fill images. Use the above primitives to develop programs like drawing concentric circles, Ellipses, Sine curves, Histograms, Pie charts and human face.


 Multimedia Technology :

5. Multimedia in use : Introducing multimedia, u s e s o f multimedia.

6. Technology System Components, Multimedia Platforms, Development Tools, Image, Audio, Video, Storage for multimedia and Communications.

7. Applications : Multimedia in the Real World, Training and Education, Image Processing.


8. IMAGE :

Introduction, Digital Image, Image Redundancies (Spatial, Spectral, Temporal); Image Compression: lossy and lossless compression Techniques, Run Length Encoding algorithm, Huffman Encoding Algorithm, Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Image, video and audio Formats.

9. Studying features and use of Multimedia Image Processing authoring tools like Photoshop and Macromedia Director.


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