1. Introduction to Operating Systems, its needs and services, Simple batch Systems, Multi- programmed batched systems, Time sharing systems, Parallel systems, Distributed systems and Real-time systems. Introduction to process, Process States. Overview of UNIX: History, Features of UNIX, Comparison between UNIX and Windows. The structure of UNIX: Kernel, Shell. UNIX Directory system.
2. UNIX Commands: User Access and User ID Commands, Directory commands, Editors Commands, File Manipulation Commands, Security and Protection Commands, Inter-User and Inter-Machine Communication, Process Management Commands, I/O Redirection and Piping Commands, Vi editor, File Handling commands, and Introduction to Regular Expressions and grep.
3. Administering UNIX System: Introduction to System Administration, Functional activities of System Administration - Starting up the system, Maintaining the Super User Login, Shutting down the system, recovering from system crash, Taking backups, Managing disk space, Mounting and Unmounting file system, Adding and removing users, Changing groups and password, Maintaining security, Monitoring system activity, Accounting of system usage and billing, Setting up remote communication, Installing printers and peripheral devices.
4. Shell Programming: Executing a shell program, Study of shell programming as a Language; Wild card characters, Type of statements and Reserved Words, Special Shell parameters. The AWK pattern scanning and processing language: Operators, Control Statements and arrays. String Handling programs (String comparison, substring, string splitting ) using AWK: UNIX and Networking: Network Troubleshooting(Commands-ping, IP config, ns lookup, trace root).Introduction to IP addresses and classes.
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