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Basic terminology: Web Server; Web Client/Browser, Understanding how a Browser communicates with a Web Server, Website, Webpage, Static Website, Dynamic Website, Internet, Intranet, Extranet, WWW, URL 
HTML: Structure of an HTML program, Paragraph Breaks, Line Breaks; Emphasizing Material in a Web Page (Heading Styles, Drawing Lines); Text Styles (Bold, Italics, Underline); Other Text Effects (Centering (Text, Images etc.) Lists: Unordered List, Ordered Lists, Definition lists Adding Graphics to HTML Documents using the Border, Width, Height, Align, ALT Attributes 
Tables: Caption Tag, Width, Border, Cell padding, Cell spacing, BGCOLOR, COLSPAN and ROWSPAN Attributes.


Linking Documents: Anchor tag, External Document References, Internal Document References and Image Maps 
Frames: Introduction to Frames: The<FRAMESET> tag, The <FRAME>tag, Targeting Named Frames
DHTML: Introduction to cascading style sheets (CSS), Style tag, Link tag, Types of CSS: In-Line, Internal, External 
Forms: Attributes of Form element, Input element, The Text Element, Password, Button, Submit Button, Reset Button, The Checkbox, Radio, Textarea, Select and Option.


Java Script: Introduction and Features of JavaScript, Writing JavaScript into HTML, tokens, data types, variables, operations, control constructs, strings arrays, functions, core language objects, client-side objects, event handling. Applications related to client-side form validation. Other Built-In Objects in JavaScript: The String Object, The Math Object, The Date Object.


Introduction to Dreamweaver: Understanding Workspace Layout, Managing Websites, Creating a Website, Using Dreamweaver Templates, Adding New WebPages, Text and Page Format, Inserting Tables, Lists, Images, Adding Links. Web Hosting: Understanding Domain Name & Web Space, Getting a Domain Name & Web Space (Purchase or Free), Uploading the Website to Remote Server, Introduction to Open Source Third-party FTP Tools.


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