Computer Organisation: Evolution of Computers, Von Neumann Architecture, Combinatorial Blocks : Gates, Half Adder, Full Adder, Multiplexers, Decoders, Encoders; Sequential Building blocks : Flip Flops, Registers, Counters, Information representation: codes, fixed and floating point representation Arithmetic: Addition and subtraction for sign magnitude and 2's complement numbers, integer multiplication using Booth's algorithms.
Architecture of a Simple Processor: Architecture of 8086/8088 microprocessor, instruction set, Addressing Modes. Instruction: Microinstructions: Register Transfer, Arithmetic, Logical and Shift, Types of Instructions, Instruction Cycle.
Interrupt: Types, Interrupt Cycle I/O organization: Strobe based and Handshake based communication, DMA based data transfer;
Memory Organisation: Memory Hierarchy, RAM (Static and Dynamic), ROM Associative memory, Cache memory organisation, Virtual memory organisation.
Assembly Language : Features of Assembly Language, Machine Language vs Assembly Language, Pseudo Instruction; use of Assembly for programs: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication using Subroutines and Basic Input/ Output.
System Maintenance: Introduction to various physical components of a computer, Physical Inspection and Diagnostics on PC, Functional description of various Internal and External cards; Viruses: Types of Computer Viruses, Detection, prevention and protection from Viruses.
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