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Showing posts from October, 2016


Computer Fundamentals and Computing Software SECTION – A  Computer Appreciation: Introduction to computers, characteristics of computer; History of computers; Classification of computers on size: Micro, Mini, Mainframe and super computers, Working Principles, Generations; Applications of computers; commonly used terms–Hardware, Software, Firmware; Basic Computer Organization: Block diagram of computer system, Input unit, Processing Unit and Output Unit; Description of Computer input devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Trackball, Pen, Touch screens, Scanner, Digital Camera; Output devices: Monitors, Printers, Plotters. Computer Memory: Representation of information: BIT, BYTE, Memory, Memory size; Units of measurement of storage; Main memory: Storage evaluation criteria, main memory organization, RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM; Secondary storage devices: Sequential Access Memory, Direct Access Memory Magnetic Tapes, Magnetic disks, Optical disks: CD, DVD; Memory storage devices: Flash D...


Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics    Semester-1 External Marks: 65  Internal Marks: 10   Time Duration: 3 Hrs.   Number of Lectures : 60  SECTION-A Basic Statistics: Types of Statistics, Different Statistical Techniques, Steps in Statistical Investigation, Uses and Limitations of statistics, Collection of Data: Sources of collecting primary and Secondary Data, Limitations of Secondary Data, Criteria of evaluating secondary data, Organization of data, Graphs of Grouped Frequency Distribution, Tabulation of Data, Parts of Table Measures of Central Tendency: Kinds of measures of central tendency (statistical averages or averages): Arithmetic Mean: Simple Arithmetic Mean, Methods of calculating Simple Arithmetic Mean, Arithmetic Mean in case of Individual Series, Discrete series and continuous series, Weighted Arithmetic Mean, Combined Arithmetic Mean. Geometric Mean: Simple Geometric Mean , Methods of calculating Simp...


Problem Solving Through C SECTION A  Programming Process: Steps in developing of a program, Data Flow Diagram, Decision Table, Algorithm development, Flowchart, Pseudo Code, Testing and Debugging. Fundamentals of C Languages: History of C, Character Set, Identifiers and Keywords, Constants, Types of C Constants, Rules for Constructing Integer, Real and character Constants, Variables, Data Types, rules for constructing variables. Operators and Expressions: C Instructions, Arithmetic operators, Relational operators, Logical operators, Assignment Operators, Type Conversion in Assignments, Hierarchy of Operations, Standard and Formatted Statements, Structure of a C program , Compilation and Execution.  SECTION B  Decision Control Structure: Decision making with IF-statement, IF-Else and Nested IFElse, The else if Clause. Loop Control Structure: While and do-while, for loop and Nested for loop, Case Control Structure: Decision using switch, goto statement. Func...


My Journey aboard BCA - BCA first year had truly been an enriching and wonderful experience of my life. After completing my first year at GGDSD College, when I look back, I realised what a mesmerizing part of my life it was. New place, New college, New teachers, New aura and as a result New me.  Many students were already familiar to Chandigarh, but for a few like me, even the city was new. And I acclaim this college to have forced me to love this city.  I got ample of chances to learn and implement my learning in my practical life. In the beginning of my joining days it seemed quite difficult to adopt myself but gradually I got accustomed to it.  For me and my classmates BCA I year became a complete adventure in itself. This was the place , where we not only learned our syllabus lessons but much of our important real life lessons. All of us made friends with each other and not in much time we were all a single unit. We studied together, discussed togeth...