Computer Fundamentals and Computing Software SECTION – A Computer Appreciation: Introduction to computers, characteristics of computer; History of computers; Classification of computers on size: Micro, Mini, Mainframe and super computers, Working Principles, Generations; Applications of computers; commonly used terms–Hardware, Software, Firmware; Basic Computer Organization: Block diagram of computer system, Input unit, Processing Unit and Output Unit; Description of Computer input devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Trackball, Pen, Touch screens, Scanner, Digital Camera; Output devices: Monitors, Printers, Plotters. Computer Memory: Representation of information: BIT, BYTE, Memory, Memory size; Units of measurement of storage; Main memory: Storage evaluation criteria, main memory organization, RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM; Secondary storage devices: Sequential Access Memory, Direct Access Memory Magnetic Tapes, Magnetic disks, Optical disks: CD, DVD; Memory storage devices: Flash D...
The blog offers information and notes on the class subjects, instructed by the teacher and written by me.I have made this blog for the students who are for any reason are unable to attend the class.This will be an easy platform for them to get their class work and do it at anytime, anywhere and at their pace. In this era of technology with just an internet connection, you can do anything and rely on this platform for your work updates.