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Showing posts from March, 2018


6TH SEMESTER - SECTION-A   1. Introduction to Data Communication: Data Communication fundamentals, Simplex, Half-Duplex, Full-Duplex Network definition, Network Hardware and Software, Network Topologies, Uses of Computer Networks, OSI reference model, TCP/IP Reference Model. Comparison of OSI & TCP/IP reference model. 2. Physical Layer: Transmission Media, Switching, ISDN & its services, Multiplexing, Modems. SECTION-B   3. Data Link Layer: Design Issue, Error Detection & Correction Codes, Elementary Data Link Protocols, Static & Dynamic Channel Allocation, Introduction to IEEE standards, Sliding Window Protocols: One-bit Sliding Window Protocol, Go Back n, Selective Repeat.


6TH SEMESTER- SECTION-A   1. Review of forms in HTML, Introduction to cascading style sheets (CSS), defining and applying CSS. Java Script: Features, tokens, data types, variables, operations, control structs, likes, strings arrays, functions, core language, objects, client side objects, event handling. Applications related to client side form validation.  SECTION-B   2. Fundamentals of Java: Java Vs. C++, Byte Code, Java virtual machine, constants, variables, data types, operators, expressions, control structures, defining class, creating objects, accessing class members, constructions, method overloading. String handling. Inheritance : Basics, member access, using super to call super class constructors, creating a multi level hierarchy, method overriding, dynamic method dispatch, using abstract classes, using Final.